Terms & Conditions
This website aims to convey general information on the law firm TGA Legal (“TGA” or “us”). By accessing and browsing our website, you consent and agree to abide by the following terms and conditions. If once you have reviewed these terms and conditions, you do not agree with them, you must exit this website as your agreement is an absolute precondition to our granting you access.
Please note that we reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any moment and without notice. It is your responsibility to take cognizance of any and all amendments made to our terms and conditions.
The information, data, pictures, images, drawings, sound and video recordings, software (including any and all source code, whether executed locally on your computer or on the server) as well as all other material found on our website (collectively the “Content”) are subject to exclusive copyright in favor of TGA, which reserves all its rights.
Furthermore, you agree that in addition to the Content, the selection, the arrangement, the layout and the architecture of our website, our logo, our slogans and any other features of our website are also subject of exclusive copyrights in favor of TGA and/or protected by trademarks, whether registered or not.
You are granted a limited, non-exclusive licence to display and/or print the Content for your personal and non-commercial usage, as well as to share it on different social networks, provided you do not alter the Content in any matter or form. Any other usage of the Content is prohibited. The Content may not be otherwise reproduced, reused, rebroadcasted in any matter or form without the prior written consent of TCJ.
You also agree not to use the Content in order to transmit, distribute, or cause the transmission or distribution of emails to any person (including any legal entity) or other unsolicited mailing to TGA, its partners or employees.
The information contained on our website is provided for indicative purposes only is not intended to provide legal advice or opinion. The material was prepared for general information purposes and does not purport to expose the complete state of the law. While we make reasonable efforts to ensure that the information presented on our website is accurate, TGA makes no warranty as to the accuracy or as to whether the information is up to date.
We recommend that you consult legal counsel in order to evaluate your particular situation.
The information contained in our website is publish “as is”, in good faith and without warranty, express or implied, including implied warranties of accuracy of information. It is possible that the website Content may contain technical inaccuracies, typographical and/or clerical errors. In addition, TGA does not guarantee that the access to the Content will be uninterrupted and free of flaws or any delay. TGA disclaims any liability for damages resulting from viruses, worms or computer program of invasive or destructive nature. In not time shall TGA, its partners and/or its employees be held responsible to anyone for any direct, indirect, incidental consequential or any other damages arising from or relating to the use of the website in connection with the Content.
You are solely responsible for the use and interpretation of information contained on the website.
In addition, any reference on our website to past results obtained for our clients does not guarantee that we can obtain a similar result in the future.
Some sections of our website invite you to react to our Content and seek your comments on a voluntary basis. By interacting with us through these sections of our website, you agree specifically that:
- All content that you submit will be moderated by TGA, which may, in its sole discretion, refuse to publish the content you submitted, without notice or without consultation.
- By submitting content, you thereby give us an unlimited, perpetual, transferable and non-exclusive license to such content submitted. You also allow us to post it on the website. Content may be reproduced, reused, reposted or modified in any manner or form without your prior consent and without any compensation being due. You also assign all intellectual property rights you may hold on the submitted content. Furthermore, you waive, in favor of TGA all moral rights to the submitted content.
Access to our website, viewing it as well as any communication with one of our professionals, including but not limited to email, phone, fax, mail, internet or due to exchange of comments on one of our publications shall not be construed as creating a lawyer-client relationship between you and us or as creating any obligation for TGA.
Our website may include links to other websites owned by third parties. Please be aware that TGA has no control over the content of those websites. These websites are governed by their own terms of use, which do not replace or cancel the present terms and conditions of use. Therefore, TGA, its partners and/or employees shall not be held responsible for the information contained on such third party websites, and do not offer any guarantee or make any declaration in this regard. These links are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of the entities owning those websites. By accessing a website through a ling in the content of this website, you act at your own risk.
Finally, you acknowledge that the inclusion of such links does not imply that TGA is sponsoring any trademarks, trade names, service marks, designs, logos, symbols or other copyright protected material posted on them, that TGA is affiliated or associated with any of the foregoing or that TGA is legally entitled to use any of the foregoing.
You agree not to infringe or damage the website. In particular, you agree not to overload, disturb, commit hacking, change the source code of the website or reverse engineer the website or any other related software. In addition, you agree not to interfere with the use of the website by other users.
You agree not to use any process, software or other automated or manual means or processes to, among other things, access, collect information, browse or otherwise scan the Website.
You agree not to use the Website for any other purpose, commercial or otherwise, not expressly permitted by these terms.
These Terms of Use and TGA Privacy Policy are governed and interpreted under the laws of the Province of Quebec and the laws of Canada applicable therein.
For any questions regarding these Terms of Use, we invite you to write to us at info@tgalegal.ca